New joint venture for 4TU.ResearchData, SURF and DANS

“Integrated data submission system” is a joint initiative of 4TU.ResearchData, SURF and DANS with a goal to bring the main Dutch research data repositories together through the creation of an integrated data submission system. 

The system will make it easier for researchers to make their research data FAIR, and can assist with choices in respect of the most suitable repository for a particular research output.

The project aims to create an integrated pipeline for data submission for DANS, 4TU.ResearchData and SURF repositories. The shared online portal will help researchers not yet familiar with the Dutch data repositories decide where to upload their datasets and make their research data FAIR. 

In practice, the integration will lower the barrier to implementation of FAIR data and software:

  • Researchers new in the Dutch data landscape will not have to struggle to find the most suitable repository to upload their data
  • Automatic file recognition will save time of researchers (they won’t be forced to enter information manually)
  • The main Dutch data repositories will collaborate with one another on the infrastructure level, which will increase cohesion in the Dutch data landscape
  • Limited resources available to Dutch infrastructures can be used more effectively to focus on supporting discipline-specific communities and specific data types, which will increase the FAIRness of datasets.

The project started in December 2022. The first version of the internal testing is scheduled to be available during the summer of 2023.

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