Join our community

The 4TU.ResearchData community is built around an international data repository for science, engineering and design. Our members comprise researchers and research data supporters from different domains of expertise. The goal is to provide an opportunity for members to connect and exchange knowledge about best practices for the creation and reuse of FAIR data within the technical sciences.

Who can join?

Anyone interested in FAIR data and Open Science can join. Currently, our members are researchers, data stewards, data managers, research software engineers, librarians, educators, IT specialists and technical experts from different domains.

How to join

We are working to build an inclusive community for researchers and data supporters interested in improving the creation and reuse of FAIR data within the technical sciences. If you’d like to join us, we welcome you to: 

  • Join our online community
    Create your public profile and we’ll contact you with a ‘welcome pack’ and an invitation to join our Slack workspace. 
  • Subscribe to our newsletter
    Sign-up here for news, events, opportunities and announcements from 4TU.ResearchData. 

For more information, please contact our community manager, Alessandra, by email:

Our Community Profile

To learn more about the 4TU.ResearchData community, download our latest community profile from June/July 2021.